The Guardian of Water

The Guardian of Water

The Guardian of Water


Mawang Muda village is located in Beduai District, Sanggau Regency. It takes 8 hours riding from Pontianak. The road to Mawang Muda Village from Beduai is not asphalt or cement concrete, but dirt. During the rainy season, the conditions will be muddy and make people who want to pass through have to struggle harder because the road becomes slippery, especially if you have to go uphill, which is dangerous. On the left and right of the road there are various types of trees that accompany us on our journey to the center of the village

(Identification of clean water sources)

SDG’s, Clean water supply


sources need to be protected and maintained so that the goodness of the environmental ecosystem is maintained and clean water can continue to exist and be enjoyed by indigenous peoples. In the SDG’s, meeting the need for clean water is included in Goal number 6. The importance of protecting water sources because this is one of the main keys to sustainable development (SDG’s) is the main concern in every discussion held with the Village Head and the Community. On that basis, the communities accompanied by Teraju Indonesia agreed to protect their clean water sources as an effort to mitigate the impacts of climate change in their region. Initial efforts started by checking the water sources in Mawang Muda village. The identification and checking process was carried out with Indigenous Peoples from February 25 to March 5 2024.

Another effort was made by the Village Head, Mawang Muda, by including achievement indicators for SDG’s 6 into the village development plan. Teraju Indonesia, with support from BothENDS, is assisting villages and indigenous communities in their efforts to protect their living areas so that the lives of their children and grandchildren will be guaranteed in the future.

1 Comment
  • M. Nur Kuswarie
    Posted at 05:54h, 21 March Reply

    Terkadang yang menjadi masalah adalah kurang sadarnya masyarakat bahwa merekalah yang harus menjadi penjaga digarda terdepan dalam menyelamatkan ketersediaan air bersih bagi anak keturunan mereka berikutnya. Pemerintah setempat juga harus memiliki komitmen dan keseriusan untuk menjaga hal tersebut melalui kebijakan dan terobosan beraninya demi mada depan air yang tetap terjaga kebersihannya

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